About Javascript 'Go Back'
About Javascript How to Go Back:

This short example shows you how you can insert a 'Go Back' link on your web page.
You can either use the;


or the javascript.history.go(-%)

The latter has the advantage that you can set any number of pages to go back to, from the browser history.

 Navigate to other page:

 Here I will present two ways of making a link that sends your user back to the previous page.
Notice that you can change values of the one, and send users back, as many pages as you wish.
Simply change this.. I have changed this example into five pages. Like so:

<A HREF='javascript:history.go(-5)'><< Go Five Pages Back</A>

<< Back


<A HREF='javascript:history.back()'><< Back</A>
<A HREF='javascript:history.go(-1)'><< Go Back</A>

Icons made by Freepik from This page is about how to make a Link going back, using simple Javascript. I will show two ways of doing this.